1/11/2024 - SolarBank Corporation (“SolarBank” or the “Company”) is ?pleased to announce that it has completed mechanical construction on the 3.7 MW DC Geddes project (the “Project”) that is being developed by th... |
7/11/2023 - The Ksi Lisims LNG project has awarded Siemens Energy a contract to assist with the design of the project’s liquefaction compression and associated electrical systems. Siemens Energy is widely recogni... |
8/3/2017 - ABB’s history in Québec goes back one hundred years. With its new Canadian headquarters and ABB North American Center of Excellence in E-Mobility in Montréal, ABB is strengthening its commitment to Ca... |
1/17/2017 - ABB has completed a major upgrade of the 350 megawatt (MW) Madawaska high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission link that connects the grids of Québec and New Brunswick in southeast Canada. The b... |