6/3/2024 - Fortum has reached a significant milestone by welcoming 250 employees to its hydropower operations and maintenance team in Sweden and Finland. About ten years ago, Fortum outsourced its hydropower mai... |
1/29/2024 - PVO-Vesivoima and Caverion continue their partnership at hydropower plants in Finland. Finnish energy company PVO-Vesivoima Oy and Caverion continue their partnership. Caverion will continue to ... |
1/9/2024 - Caverion to continue as Kemijoki Oy's operation and maintenance partner at 18 hydropower plants in Finland Kemijoki Oy has chosen Caverion as its service provider for the Kemijoki and Lieks... |
6/6/2023 - Fortum will continue its operation and maintenance partnership with Caverion at 13 hydropower plants in Finland. Caverion is responsible for the local operation and maintenance of Fortum's ... |
12/22/2021 - Neste has signed its first renewable hydropower purchase agreement with Vattenfall, one of Europe’s largest producers and retailers of electricity and heat. Vattenfall will deliver the hydropower from... |
10/5/2015 - Wartsila Corporation, a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets, expands into a new market segment, offering a comprehensive package of seals, bearings an... |