Production News in Sudan

Wildcat Petroleum Announces Quarterly review Jan -March 2024
4/5/2024 - SUDAN
It has been a frustrating quarter in regard to the Bamboo field deal. We are still awaiting approval for the work program we submitted to the ministry. The last official up-date from the ...
Wildcat Petroleum Announces Catflap Newsletter
1/5/2024 - The political unrest in Sudan, which began in April 2023, derailed the Company for a couple of months but now the Company is back on track.

The Company has always been guided by the object...
Wildcat Petroleum Provides An Update on It's Plans
9/18/2023 - The Company makes an update on its plans in the Republic of Sudan.

Due to the current political situation in Sudan the Company is unable at the present time to sign a Production Sharing Agr...
CNPC President Meets the Oil State Minister of Sudan
3/20/2013 - CNPC President Zhou Jiping had an interview with visiting Sudanese Oil State Minister Faisal Hamad Abdullah in Beijing. They exchanged views on resuming oil production and further strengthening cooper...
Sudan's Oil Production Rises to Almost 140,000 Bpd
12/30/2012 - Sudan has managed to boost oil production to almost 140,000 barrels per day and plans to add another 10,000 bpd next year, its oil minister said after the African country launched a new oilfield. Suda...
Sudan Offers Dar Blend Crude as South to Restart Exports
10/18/2012 - Sudan issued a tender to sell Dar Blend crude in November after parliaments in Khartoum and South Sudan ratified an agreement this week to end hostilities and restart southern oil exports. Sudan offer...
S.Sudan Expects 1st Oil Exports in 90 Days after Restart
10/18/2012 - South Sudan expects its oil exports to come back to the market in three months after the government ordered oil companies to resume production, its oil minister said. Last month, it reached a deal wit...
Sudan Wants to Lift Oil Output to 180,000 b/d
10/16/2012 - Sudan has managed to restore its oil production to levels before fighting broke out with South Sudan in April but will miss its 2012 target of pumping 180,000 barrels a day, its oil minister said. The...
ONGC Videsh Sees Lower Oil & Gas Output in 2012/13
9/24/2012 - Oil and gas output from ONGC Videsh in 2012/13 will be less than last fiscal year's 8.7 million tonnes, its managing director said. Output from a south Sudan field has been halted over disputes, while...
S.Sudan Eyes Oil Production of 300,000 bpd by Mid-2013
9/12/2012 - South Sudan could produce at least 300,000 barrels per day of oil when it resumes full production, but that may take until mid-2013 because of damage caused during its border dispute with Sudan, an oi...
South Sudan Sees Oil Output Resuming in December
8/21/2012 - South Sudan expects to restart some oil output in December and more after June next year, an official said, after the new country struck an interim deal with Sudan that would allow it to resume crude ...
South Sudan to Restart Oil Wells in September
8/8/2012 - South Sudan hopes to resume oil production in September after reaching an interim agreement with Sudan on oil export fees, but it may take a year to return to full capacity, its top negotiator said. T...
Sudan To Raise Heglig Oil Output and Sign Deals
5/8/2012 - Sudan's crude oil production at Heglig oilfield will increase to 80,000 barrels per day and exploration deals for six blocks will be signed soon, as it moves to make up for a big loss in oil exports, ...
Production Restarts at Sudan's Heglig Oil Field
Production Restarts at Sudan's Heglig Oil Field 5/2/2012 - Sudan said the Heglig oilfield, scene of intense fighting with South Sudan last month, has been repaired and has started pumping oil. The two countries have been embroiled in weeks of fighting along t...
Sudan and South Sudan Armies Clash in Oil War
Sudan and South Sudan Armies Clash in Oil War 3/26/2012 - Clashes erupted between Sudan and South Sudan's armed forces, both sides said, prompting Sudan's president to suspend a planned meeting on resolving the countries' bitter disputes over oil and border ...
South Sudan Sees Oil Shutdown Near Complete
1/28/2012 - South Sudan's top negotiator said his country would complete an oil production shutdown by Saturday, after Sudan and South Sudan failed to agree on a deal to end an oil crisis. Sudanese President Omar...
South Sudan Begins Production Shut Down
1/23/2012 - South Sudan said it started shutting down oil production and accused Sudan of seizing $815 million worth of crude, escalating an increasingly bitter row over oil revenues between the former civil war ...
South Sudan to Shut Oil Production within 2 Weeks
1/20/2012 - South Sudan said it was working out a plan to shut down oil production within two weeks after Sudan said it had started seizing southern oil to compensate for what it said were unpaid transit fees. So...

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