Industrial gas, Hydrogen News in Chile

AES Chile Submits EIA for $10bn Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project
12/30/2024 - AES Chile has submitted the Environmental Impact Study (EIA) for the INNA project, its first industrial-scale green hydrogen and ammonia initiative in the country.

The project, located in Tal...
AES Andes Submits Environmental Impact Assessment for Project Inna
12/24/2024 - AES Andes submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to Chilean permitting authorities for a proposed industrial-scale green hydrogen project called Inna. The project, which is in early-stage ...
Hydrogen Europe and H2Chile Strengthen Hydrogen Ties
11/21/2024 - Hydrogen Europe and H2Chile have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) during the European Hydrogen Week, under the patronage of the Chilean Embassy to the European Union and the European Commiss...
Antofagasta unveils first hydrogen train in South America
11/15/2024 - Antofagasta PLC’s Transport Division Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia (FCAB) has unveiled the first hydrogen-powered locomotive in Chile and South America, a major milestone in the company’s effor...
Anglo American's study on developing a green hydrogen valley in Chile
11/4/2024 - Anglo American's recent study on developing a green hydrogen valley in Chile's central region has yielded promising results.

The study indicates that implementing green hydrogen on a large s...
Chile to launch US$1bn green hydrogen fund this year
8/30/2024 -  Chile’s development agency Corfo will start supporting green hydrogen projects through a US$1 billion fund to be created later this year.

The new mechanism will finance projects involving...
H2 Green Mining and Ohmium Sign Agreement to Boost Green Hydrogen in Chile
4/19/2024 - Ohmium International (“Ohmium”), a leading green hydrogen company that designs, manufactures, and deploys advanced Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzers, is pleased to announce a collaboration ...
IDB & the Ministry of Finance of Chile Sign Agreement to Develop the Green Hydrogen Industry
3/10/2024 - The signed support program seeks to increase public and private investment in H2V and its derivatives and promote domestic demand for the product.

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)...
Walmart Chile To Create First Industrial-Use Green Hydrogen Production Plant in Latin America
8/15/2023 - Walmart Inc. CEO Doug McMillon attended the grand opening of a green hydrogen plant at Walmart’s Quilicura Distribution Center in Santiago, Chile, representing the company’s continued investment in an...
Walmart Chile Initiates Plan to Operate 100% of its Logistics Network with Green Hydrogen
8/10/2023 - There is a growing consensus that companies are called upon to play a leading role in reversing the effects of climate change. In this spirit, Walmart Chile inaugurated the first green hydrogen plant ...
JBIC Signs MOU with Ministry of Energy of Chile
8/7/2023 - The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC; Governor: HAYASHI Nobumitsu) signed on August 4 a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Chile (Chile). Th...
ENAP Signs Agreement with 6 Companies to Generate Green Hydrogen Infrastructure
7/27/2023 - ENAP, Total Eren Chile, HIF Chile, FreePower Group, EDF Group, RWE, and HNH Energy formed an alliance to transform this infrastructure into a new large-scale industrial complex for the deployment of t...
EIB to Finance Climate Action Projects in Chile with more than €300M
7/17/2023 - €200 million loan to Banco del Estado de Chile to finance mortgages for new housing units with improved energy efficiency standards under Ecovivienda Program.

Team Europe Renewable Hydrogen...
Chile to Accelerate its Green Hydrogen Industry with World Bank Support
6/29/2023 - The World Bank Board of Directors approved a US$150 million loan to promote investment in green hydrogen projects in Chile, accelerating the country’s green growth, energy transition and supporting it...
EU, EIB and KfW to Finance Renewable Hydrogen Projects with up to €216.5M
6/14/2023 - the European Investment Bank (EIB), KfW Development Bank, Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (CORFO) and the Chilean Ministry of Finance signed a statement of intent to support Chile’s growing re...
IDB Approves $400 Million Loan to Boost Chile’s Green Hydrogen Industry
6/7/2023 - The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has approved a loan to support the development of the green hydrogen industry and its derivatives in Chile. This operation seeks to help decarbonize the econo...
Glenfarne to Collaborate with Samsung Engineering on Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Initiatives
5/1/2023 - Glenfarne Energy Transition, LLC (“Glenfarne”), together with its affiliates, announces the execution and launch of a collaboration agreement with Samsung Engineering (“Samsung Engineering”) to comple...
Colbún and Sumitomo Sign Alliance to Develop Green Hydrogen Projects to Produce Ammonia
1/30/2023 - This agreement will allow both companies to jointly study the feasibility of developing industrial projects in the Antofagasta and Magallanes regions to produce green ammonia based on hydrogen produce...
CIP Joins AustriaEnergy, Oekowind on HNH Project in Chile
1/13/2022 - AustriaEnergy and Oekowind have agreed to form a joint venture with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) to develop its 1.7 GW HNH Project located in southern Chile’s Magallanes region.

Enel Green Awarded $16.9M for Green Hydrogen Proyect with HIF in Chile
12/30/2021 - - The funding will be used for electrolyzers in the first commercial phase of green hydrogen projects by EGP Chile and HIF.

The Faro del Sur Project by Enel Gre...

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