3/29/2023 - Logitech International has been recognized as a Supplier Engagement Leader by CDP, a global nonprofit that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to man... |
3/28/2023 - PureWest Energy, LLC ("PureWest"), an independent natural gas producer in Wyoming's Green River Basin, and Proman, a global leader in methanol production, announced their closure on a blockchain-verif... |
3/22/2023 - Chubb Limited announced new underwriting criteria for oil and gas extraction projects that will require clients to reduce methane emissions, a byproduct of oil and gas production that are among the mo... |
3/14/2023 - Novelis Inc., a leading sustainable aluminium solutions provider and the world leader in aluminium rolling and recycling, and its partners at the research and development laboratory Net Zero Lab Valai... |
3/1/2023 - - ABB and Pace CCS join forces to deliver a solution that reduces the cost of integrating carbon capture and storage (CCS) into new and existing industrial operations - Customers will be able to ... |
2/27/2023 - Intelligent power management company Eaton announced its involvement in a pan-European research and innovation project to develop seamless IT infrastructure for energy storage systems. Launc... |
2/16/2023 - Concordium contributes to part of the solution in the Danish state owned transmission company Energinet's new platform where blockchain technology must guarantee the credibility of Energinet's green e... |
2/15/2023 - - First-of-its-kind agreement between a freight forwarder and a shipping line - At least 30,000 standard containers (TEU) will be transported on the world's oceans with net-zero emissions in 2023... |
2/9/2023 - Temenos has received validation on its ambitious Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions reduction targets with approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi). The SBTi validated Temenos’ commit... |
1/19/2023 - Nine leading industrial clusters in Indonesia, the United States, Japan, Spain and China have joined the World Economic Forum initiative, Transitioning Industrial Clusters Towards Net Zero, expanding ... |
1/16/2023 - Trafigura Group Ptd Ltd. (“Trafigura” or “the Group”), a market leader in the global commodities industry, has today made a public carbon dioxide removal commitment as a founding member of the First M... |
12/21/2022 - Hitachi Energy and Linxon are collaborating to strengthen London Power Tunnels (LPT), a key power infrastructure project that will ensure reliable, clean electricity supply for England’s capital city.... |
12/5/2022 - nChain announces the signing of an agreement with NAGEX to assess the viability of a global CO2 index based in North America that incorporates physical storage of CO2 and digital blockchain ledger tec... |
10/26/2022 - • ABB and Coolbrook sign agreement to advance technology that helps decarbonize hard-to-abate chemicals, cement and steel industries, collectively responsible for 70 percent1 of industrial CO2 emissio... |
10/25/2022 - Temenos announced the availability of a carbon emissions calculator – one of the industry’s first - giving its customers deeper insight into carbon emissions data associated with their consumption of ... |
8/30/2022 - • Climeworks is excited to enter this long-term collaboration with UBS, the latest and largest financial services company to commit to Climeworks’ carbon removal solution. • The agreement with U... |
7/20/2022 - Hitachi Energy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with H2 Green Steel to leverage electrification, digitalization, and hydrogen to support the decarbonization of the steel industry. |
7/13/2022 - Key take-aways: - Climeworks is excited to take its collaboration with Microsoft to the next level: following its selection as part of Microsoft’s carbon removal portfolio last year, the two com... |
6/8/2022 - • Through its global campaign to reduce the climate change impact of nitrous oxide emissions, Clariant offered to ten nitric acid producers its EnviCat® N2O-S catalyst which removes up to 95% of N2O e... |
6/7/2022 - • SERV to mobilise diversified and competitive financing for GE power-generation technologies to help decarbonise the energy sector across emerging and developing markets. GE and Swiss Exp... |