Production News in Trinidad and Tobago

Recompletion of Well GY-673 at Goudron Field
7/28/2016 - LGO is pleased to announce that production has commenced from a new oil pay interval in well GY-673, the third of its planned heavy work-overs at the Goudron Field in Trinidad. A total of 106 feet of ...
Recompletion of Well GY-50 on Goudron Field
5/12/2016 - LGO is pleased to announce that production has started from a new interval in well GY-50 at the Goudron Field in Trinidad. A total of 197 feet of perforations were added to the Goudron Sandstone, als...
Successful Recompletion of Well GY-671 at Goudron Field
4/27/2016 - LGO is pleased to announce that production has started from a new interval in well GY-671 on the Goudron Field in Trinidad. A total of 208 feet of perforations were added to the Upper C-sand reservoi...
Work Begun in Earnest to Increase Oil Production at Goudron Field
4/20/2016 - LGO Energy plc is pleased to advise that work has begun in earnest to increase oil production at its Goudron Field in Trinidad and approvals have been granted by the Petroleum Company of Trinidad and ...
Goudron Overriding Royalty Rates Reduced
3/24/2016 - LGO Energy plc confirms that it has been notified by the Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited (Petrotrin) that overriding royalty rate reductions for the Company's production at the Goudro...
LGO Provides Update on Goudron Production Investment
3/14/2016 - LGO Energy plc provides an update on its Goudron Field work plans. The Company previously announced that it was planning to increase investment in production operations in the light of a general stabi...
Termination of Offer Period and Goudron update
3/9/2016 - LGO Energy plc provides an update on its strategy review to include a possible merger or third party sale within the context of a formal sale process ("FSP"). ...
First Significant New Goudron Sandstone Oil Production, Trinidad
9/24/2015 - LGO Energy plc is pleased to announce its first significant production results from the recompletion of a new well, GY-672, in the shallow oil bearing sandstones of the Goudron formation. The well is ...
Initial Production Rates Pad-5, Goudron Field
8/28/2015 - LGO announces that production testing is underway on wells GY-676 and GY-677, the second and third wells drilled on Pad-5 in the Goudron Field in Trinidad. After initial clean up, well GY-677 deliver...
First Gas from the Starfish Field in Trinidad
12/9/2014 - BG Group has delivered first gas from its Starfish field in the East Coast Marine Area of Trinidad with the start-up of the first well in the programme. This production will ensure a reliable flow of ...
LGO Energy's Group Production Totals 1,272 bopd
12/4/2014 - LGO is pleased to announce that Group production has exceeded 1,250 barrels of oil per day ("bopd"), with over 85 percent derived from its operations in Trinidad. Group production on 2 December totale...
Range Provides an Update on its Trinidad Operations
11/13/2014 - Range is pleased to provide an update on its Trinidad operations with the following highlights: ...
Trinity Provides Q1 2014 Operations Update
4/11/2014 - Trinity, the leading independent E&P company focused on Trinidad and Tobago, is pleased to provide the following update. ...
Oil Production Exceeds 500 barrels per day
10/10/2013 - LGO is pleased to announce that the Company has reached the significant milestone of achieving net oil production of over 500 barrels per day from combined operations in Trinidad and Spain. ...
Trinity Provides Trintes Field Operating Update
9/24/2013 - Trinity, the leading independent E&P company focused on Trinidad and Tobago, is pleased to announce that the B11 sidetrack well drilled from the Trintes Bravo platform has been brought onstream at an ...
LGO Reduced Royalty Rates in Goudron Filed
8/14/2013 - LGO announces that it has successfully concluded an agreement with the Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago Limited ("Petrotrin") to reduce substantially the overriding royalty rates associated wi...
LGO Restored Icacos Field Production
8/5/2013 - LGO announces that production has been fully restored from existing wells and has been enhanced by the reactivation of a previously dormant well at the Icacos Field (LGO 50%, non-operator). ...
LGO Announces Production Update in Trinidad
6/12/2013 - Leni Gas & Oil (LGO) has announced that Group-wide oil production from its operations in Trinidad and Spain now exceeds 400 bopd and on the 10th June 2013 total production was over 450 bopd, a new Gro...
BP Begins Mango Production Offshore Trindad
11/19/2007 - BP announced that natural gas production from the Mango field, offshore Trinidad, began on the evening of November 17, 2007. The field, in the South East Galeota Block, was first discovered in 1971 an...

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