Wide range of high resolution Geological & Geophysical surveys such as: Bathymetric Survey with HR multibeam or single beam echo sounders. Morphological survey with Side Scan Sonar. Stratigra...
Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) offers a broad range of products including; seismic and electromagnetic services, data acquisition, processing, reservoir analysis/interpretation and multi-client library ...
Orion 3D is an electrically based DCIP & MT (magnetotelluric) system enabling oil and gas companies to: Penetrate permafrost and volcanic cover; Identify variance between resources when seismic's dens...
Seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation services, as well as related processing and interpretation software to clients in the oil and gas exploration and production business.
We also provide services in connection with oil well development, for example, drilling pilot holes where shallow gas is expected or data for conductor installation. In addition, we provide mineral a...
Providers for Geological and Geophysical. Here is your one stop on-line source for a wide range of Geological and Geophysical. Gulfoilandgas "Geophysical Contractors" connects you to Geophysical Contractors providers