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Roobuck is a leading global supplier of explosion-proof (Ex) equipment, industrial LED lighting and personal safety products. All our Ex products are certified in both Group I for underground coal mines and Group II for petrochemical industries. Our Cordless Caplamp is Australian most popular product in its kind. Our Helmet Lamp is the world's largest intrinsically safe headlight series with different features and functions. A whole range of single chargers and charging racks are available. Our flameproof headlight, under IECEx certification at the moment, is the brightest Ex LED vehicle headlight designed for harshest underground coal mine environment. Our Low Voltage Tunnel Lighting System features 32VAC power and IP67 LED light enclosure, very suitable for wet environment and applications where safety is a major concern such as underground mines. We have the world's only Hi-Vis standard compliant LED Safety Vest series certified in Australia and Europe. LED enhancement on top of general Hi-Vis garment is perfect to highlight your presence making you clearly visible and safe at all times. We also supply various unique industrial products such as hi-bay lights with special optical reflector and steel wire mesh reinforced high pressure PE pipes. Our products are exported to Asia, Africa, Europe and America.

Roobuck is managed under ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 80079-34. Most or our Ex products and high end products are manufactured in our Australia base. We also have mass production facilities overseas for general products to reduce your cost. We have a strong expertise to develop Ex products in I.S. Exd, Exm and other Ex-protection methods. Our highly skilled and dynamic R&D team is continuously developing various innovative products. Some products series under development include the world's most powerful Ex LED work light, the world's only helmet beacon series, the world's only caplamp adaptor and the world's smallest high power Ex luminaire, which all will be released in 2014.

 Products/Services overview

Roobuck is specialised in explosion-proof, LED and safety products. I.S. Cordless Caplamp and Helmet Lamp series includes more than ten models in different power, focus and functions. Flame-proof Vehicle Headlight with brass enclosure and LED lights is developed for the harshest environment such as underground coal mines. LED Hi-Vis Safety Vest is the world's first hi-vis standard compliant LED hi-vis garment series certified in Australia and Europe.


Products Preview
Intrinsically Safe Helmet Lamp - Low Cost 7-LED
Intrinsically Safe Helmet Lamp - Wide-Beam 10-LED
Intrinsically Safe Helmet Lamp with Rear Beqacon
Intrinsically Safe Helmet Lamp-Heavy Duty Focused
Intrinsically Safe Helmet Portable Beacon
IS Helmet Lamp Charging Banks
LED Hi-Viz Safety Vest
Low Voltage Tunnel Lighting System
Mining Vehicle Headlight & Worklight
Nozzle Mounting Cordless Sandblast LED Light
Reflector Boosted Hi-Bay Light
Steel Wire Mesh Reinforced HDPE Pipe
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 Associated Articles

World's First Cordless Caplamp Series is Certified for Petrochemical Applications
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