Reference | BID900125 |
Date | 12/16/2010 |
Location | Africa |
Scope | Pre-qualification announcement for supply and installation of complete fire extinguishers maintenance workshop equipment. Conditions & requirements: 1- Submission of financial status of the company for the last three years to be approved by independent auditors. 2- Submission of past experience in the manufacture of such equipment and the names of customers already dealing with them. 3-Submission of full address of the company main office, phones, faxes and e-mails. 4- All the related documents shall be original and submitted in a closed wax sealed envelope addressed to Brega High Procurement Committee office at Tripoli Airport Road, Technical Department new building from 16-Dec-2010 to 30-Dec-2010. Taking due consideration the followings: - This pre-qualification announcement neither represents an invitation to tender nor a commitment on behalf of Brega Company to invite the participant to bid. - Communications shall be solely confined to manufacturing companies or through their authorized representatives. Contact information: High Procurement Committee + 218 21 3622491 + 218 21 3610808 |