Supply Process Vessels

Vessels, Tanks
Reference BID900283
Date 1/20/2011
Location Africa
Tender Opportunity: Purchase of Process/Pressure Vessels for the Oml 99: Amenam Oily Water Treatment Facility Upgrade Project.

The quantity required & specifications for the vessels for purchase are:

1.) 2621696 (One) 1 Degassing Drum (OPUS) Vessel Volume: 126m3; Design/Operating Pressure: 13/8.5barg; Design Flow rate: 137m3/H; Design/Operating Temp.:140oc/98oc; Dry/Operating Weight: 26/152 Tons; SIZE: 3460mm*12250mm (ID*T/T); Pry Matl of Construction: Carbon Steel+Coating; WEIR HEIGHT: 2500mm.

2.) 2621695 (Two) 2 (skidded) Hydrocyclone (FL-SMIDTH) Size: 4m*3m*3m (L*W*H); Design/Operating Pressure: 13/8.5barg; Design/Operating flowrate: 295/267 m3/h per vessel; Design/Operating Temp: 140/115oC; Pry Matl of Construction: Duplex Steel; Dry/Operating Weight: 6/8 Tons

3.) 2621693 (One) Compact Flotation Unit (MI-SWACO) Design Pressure: 13barg; Operating Pressure: 3.5barg; Design Flowrate: 590m3/H; Operating Flowrate: 534m3/H; Power Source: Ac Powered; Design Temp.:140oC; Operating Temp: 100- 115oC; Primary Material of Construction: Carbon Steel; Size: 1950mm*2800mm (ID*T/T); DRY WEIGHT: 11.1 Tons; Operating Weight: 19.11 Tons

2. Scope of Work for the Provision of the Vessels

The scope of work consists of activities required to accomplish, as a minimum, the procurement and supply of Degassing Drum, Hydrocyclone plus skid and Compact Flotation Unit. It shall involve the following activities/task but not limited to:

a. Handling of all required logistics involved in conveying the vessels from the OEM and delivery of same to TEPNG at a specified location in Port Harcourt. This would involve, transportation, loading and offloading etc. Note that Supplier procedure for transportation of consignment shall conform to that of both the OEM and TEPNG standards. Contractor also has obligation of duty of care, as Contractor shall be liable for any deformation or distortion of the consignment or its function as a result of transportation.

b. Supplier is expected to have technical capability to understand and appreciate the specifications of the equipment. The Supplier shall have a strategy to ensure that the required specifications of equipment are met, this may include procedure for Factory Acceptance Test, Certifications and evidences (as applicable) and as provided by TEPNG, the OEM or a third party etc. Note that Supplier shall involve TEPNG in all its activities at all stages, with adequate notice.

c. Contractor shall secure OEM's Guarantee/Warrantee (as applicable) for the equipment and convey same to TEPNG along with the vessels.

d. Contractor shall obtain all documentation, operating manuals, statutory and regulatory certifications, as-built dossier and all relevant packages/softwares as supplied by OEM and as required by TEPNG in English. Note that all procedure shall conform to TEPNG's standards.

Bidding Information

Vessels, Tanks
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