Reference | SSG0007L16 |
Date | 1/23/2016 |
Location | Asia |
Scope | The company bids for the supply of XC Polymer under Limited International Competitive Bidding - Single Stage Two Bid System Through its e-Procurement site. The Technical Specifications of the Primary Viscosifier / Downhole Viscosity Modifier in Drilling Mud are as follows:- 90,000 KG XCD Biopolymer: a biologically produced polymer to use in water based drilling fluids for increasing viscosity and as a downhole rheology modifier. Specification: 1. Product description: Dispersible Xanthan Gum Biopolymer - A dispersible Xanthan Gum Biopolymer to be used as primary viscosifier in water base drilling fluid in temperature upto 120 deg C. The product should be a high molecular weight biopolymer produced by the action of microorganism Xanthonomous Camprestis on a high purity carbohydrate Xanthan gum. The material should be free from all kinds of dead bacteria and should give clear water like solution without any turbidity. 2. Physical Properties: The material, as received, should be a free flowing white to creamish / brownish white powder free from foreign matter and visible impurities. 3. Moisture Content, measured by drying at 105 +/- 2 degC, % by mass, maximum: 15.00. 4. Dispersibility / solubility test: Should be quickly and easily dispersible in water when sprayed in water taken in a breaker and should not remain floating. 1.00% (w/v) solution of the product in distilled water after mixing in multimixer for 30 minutes should give clean solution without turbidity. 5. Rheological properties: Prepare a 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in distilled water containing 1% NaCl (LR grade)(w/v) by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Adjust PH of the solution in the range 8 - 9 by addition of 1N NaOH solution while stirring. Determine the rheological properties of the suspension at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as follows: (i) Apparent viscosity, cp: 15 - 25 (ii) "0" minute gel, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 8 (iii) "N" value at 200 & 100 rpm of Fann VG meter, maximum: 0.40 6. Crosslinking properties: To 500 ml of distilled water, add 5 ml of 3% (w/v) solution of calcium chloride (fused and analar grade) and to this solution, add 0.5% (w/v) of the sample while stirring in a multimixer. Stir the suspension further for 30 minutes in a multimixer. To this add 2% (w/v) chrome alum powder (LR grade) and stir for additional 10 min. Adjust the PH in the range 8-9 by 1N NaOH solution while stirring. Determine the rheological properties of the suspension at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as under: (i) Apparent viscosity, cp, minimum: 40 (ii) Yield value, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 40 (iii) "0" minute gel, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 20 (iv) "15" minute gel, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 100 7. Performance Test: Preparation of base mud: Prepare a 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in distilled water by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Adjust the PH to 8 - 9 with 1N NaOH solution. Add to it 3% of the OIL approved benonite powder and stir for 30 minutes. Determine apparent viscosity, yield value and API fluid loss of the mud at 26 +/- 2 deg C. Age the treated mud at 100 +/- 2 degC for 18 hrs. in rolling condition. Cool and stir for 15 minutes in a multimixer. Determine apparent viscosity, yield value and API fluid loss at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as under: (i) Apparent viscosity, cp: should not decrease (ii) Yield value, lbs/100 ftsq : should not decrease (iii) API fluid loss, ml: should not increase 8. Temperature stability: Prepare 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in saturated salt water (prepared by dissolving analar grade NaCl in distilled water) by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Adjust PH to 8 - 9 by 1N NaOH solution. Record apparent viscosity and yield value of suspension at 26 +/- 2 deg C. Age the solution in a roller oven in rolling condition at 120 +/- 2 deg C for 18 hrs. Cool and stir for 5 minutes. Measure apparent viscosity and yield value of the solution at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as under: (i) Apparent viscosity, cp: should not decrease (ii) Yield value, lbs/100 ftsq: should not decrease 9. Prepare a 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in distilled water by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Add to it 5 ml of 20% (w/v) hot solution of borax and stir for 5 minutes. No stiff gel formation should take place. 10. Packing: The material should be packed in multiwalled paper bags with at least two innermost layers are suitably water proofed strong enough to withstand rigours of transit and storage. 11. Markings: Each bag should have clear legible markings as given below: (i) Name of the product (ii) Name of the supplier (iii) Date/month/year of manufacture (iv) Supply order number against which the supply is made. N.B. Apparent viscosity and yield value will be measured by a Fann VG meter and API fluid loss will be measured in standard API fluid loss apparatus using compressed air or nitrogen as pressure source. |
Offer Validity | 180 days |