Supply of XCD Polymer

Mud Logging
Reference SSG0007L16
Date 1/23/2016
Location Asia
The company bids for the supply of XC Polymer under Limited International Competitive Bidding - Single Stage Two Bid System Through its e-Procurement site.

The Technical Specifications of the Primary Viscosifier / Downhole Viscosity Modifier in Drilling Mud are as follows:-

90,000 KG XCD Biopolymer: a biologically produced polymer to use in water based drilling fluids for increasing viscosity and as a downhole rheology modifier.


1. Product description: Dispersible Xanthan Gum Biopolymer - A dispersible Xanthan Gum Biopolymer to be used as primary viscosifier in water base drilling fluid in temperature upto 120 deg C. The product should be a high molecular weight biopolymer produced by the action of microorganism Xanthonomous Camprestis on a high purity carbohydrate Xanthan gum. The material should be free from all kinds of dead bacteria and should give clear water like solution without any turbidity.

2. Physical Properties: The material, as received, should be a free flowing white to creamish / brownish white powder free from foreign matter and visible impurities.

3. Moisture Content, measured by drying at 105 +/- 2 degC, % by mass, maximum: 15.00.

4. Dispersibility / solubility test: Should be quickly and easily dispersible in water when sprayed in water taken in a breaker and should not remain floating. 1.00% (w/v) solution of the product in distilled water after mixing in multimixer for 30 minutes should give clean solution without turbidity.

5. Rheological properties: Prepare a 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in distilled water containing 1% NaCl (LR grade)(w/v) by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Adjust PH of the solution in the range 8 - 9 by addition of 1N NaOH solution while stirring. Determine the rheological properties of the suspension at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as follows:

(i) Apparent viscosity, cp: 15 - 25
(ii) "0" minute gel, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 8
(iii) "N" value at 200 & 100 rpm of Fann VG meter, maximum: 0.40

6. Crosslinking properties: To 500 ml of distilled water, add 5 ml of 3% (w/v) solution of calcium chloride (fused and analar grade) and to this solution, add 0.5% (w/v) of the sample while stirring in a multimixer. Stir the suspension further for 30 minutes in a multimixer. To this add 2% (w/v) chrome alum powder (LR grade) and stir for additional 10 min. Adjust the PH in the range 8-9 by 1N NaOH solution while stirring. Determine the rheological properties of the suspension at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as under:

(i) Apparent viscosity, cp, minimum: 40
(ii) Yield value, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 40
(iii) "0" minute gel, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 20
(iv) "15" minute gel, lbs/100 ftsq, minimum: 100

7. Performance Test: Preparation of base mud: Prepare a 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in distilled water by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Adjust the PH to 8 - 9 with 1N NaOH solution. Add to it 3% of the OIL approved benonite powder and stir for 30 minutes. Determine apparent viscosity, yield value and API fluid loss of the mud at 26 +/- 2 deg C.

Age the treated mud at 100 +/- 2 degC for 18 hrs. in rolling condition. Cool and stir for 15 minutes in a multimixer. Determine apparent viscosity, yield value and API fluid loss at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as under:
(i) Apparent viscosity, cp: should not decrease
(ii) Yield value, lbs/100 ftsq : should not decrease
(iii) API fluid loss, ml: should not increase

8. Temperature stability: Prepare 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in saturated salt water (prepared by dissolving analar grade NaCl in distilled water) by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Adjust PH to 8 - 9 by 1N NaOH solution. Record apparent viscosity and yield value of suspension at 26 +/- 2 deg C.

Age the solution in a roller oven in rolling condition at 120 +/- 2 deg C for 18 hrs. Cool and stir for 5 minutes. Measure apparent viscosity and yield value of the solution at 26 +/- 2 degC which should be as under:

(i) Apparent viscosity, cp: should not decrease
(ii) Yield value, lbs/100 ftsq: should not decrease

9. Prepare a 0.5% (w/v) solution of the sample in distilled water by stirring in a multimixer for 30 minutes. Add to it 5 ml of 20% (w/v) hot solution of borax and stir for 5 minutes. No stiff gel formation should take place.

10. Packing: The material should be packed in multiwalled paper bags with at least two innermost layers are suitably water proofed strong enough to withstand rigours of transit and storage.

11. Markings: Each bag should have clear legible markings as given below:

(i) Name of the product
(ii) Name of the supplier
(iii) Date/month/year of manufacture
(iv) Supply order number against which the supply is made.

N.B. Apparent viscosity and yield value will be measured by a Fann VG meter and API fluid loss will be measured in standard API fluid loss apparatus using compressed air or nitrogen as pressure source.

Bidding Information

Offer Validity 180 days
Mud Logging
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