Reference | 1216/2020 |
Date | 6/24/2020 |
Location | Middle East |
Scope | The company announces its need for Supply of Tube for Furnaces. - Item 001, QTY=40 of 4.5" O / D X 0.188" min wall thickness X 9000 mm long seamless alloy steel furnace tube conforming to ASTM – A – 213 grade T 9 one end of the tube to be ready for expanding. The other end to be ready for welding, For O1H1. - Item 002, QTY=20 of Bare tube 114.3 mm O.D X 6.4 mm M.W. Thickness X 12500 mm long Seamless tube material Conforming to ASTM -A – 213 T 9 NEEDED FOR F –101. |
Bid Bond | US 3,000.00 |
Bond Validity | 120 days |
Offer Validity | 120 days |
Documents Price | ID 250,000.00 |