Procurement of Chemical / Mud Suction Tank

Vessels, Tanks
Reference SDI4526P21
Date 6/12/2020
Location Asia
The company announces its need for Procurement of Chemical / Mud Suction Tank for work over operations : (QTY.- 6 NOS.).

Item Description:
Rectangular Chemical/Suction Tank of size: Length-8000mm; Width-2500mm; Height2000mm mounted on a Base Frame made out of ISMC 125mm X 65mm which is mounted on an Oil Field type 3 (three) runner skid made out of ISMB-250.
The body of the tank should be made out of 8.0mm thick MS crimped plates, bottom should be made out of 8.0mm thick plain MS plate &top of the tank should be covered with serrated flooring on a rugged frame suitably welded on structure.
Each tank must have the basic features viz. 6" (inch) suction points with connection in the front and rear side of each tank, cleanout & outlet with connection (2 Nos), ladder, folded type railing and other accessories.

1.0 Dimension of the Tank: Each tank should have following dimensions:
i. Length: 8000mm [Overall Length:9200 mm including 600mm long working platform with 10mm chequered plate welded on it in the front side & 300mm skid extension on each end for tail boarding]
ii. Width: 2500mm
iii. Height: 2000mm
1.1 Construction of Tank Wall, Roof & Bottom:
i) Tank Wall: All 4(four) walls should be constructed with 8.0mm thick MS crimped plates welded on Body Frame.
ii) Body Frame: The Body Frame of the tank should be made out of:
a) Vertical Post [Min 8 nos]: 91.4mm MS SHS of min 5.4mm thick.
b) Horizontal Wall Framing [bottom, middle]: 91.4mm MS SHS of min 5.4mm thick.
c) Horizontal Wall Framing [top]: Mud gunning line along the length of the tank & should be made out of 113.5mm MS SHS of min 5.4mm thick.
d) Support members for Roof/ Top of the tank (Breadth wise ): 72mm MS SHS of min 4.8mm thick.(minimum 5 Nos)
d) Each tank has (03) three Nos chambers separated by 8 mm plate and plate shall be welded on a frame made of 72mm MS SHS of min 4.8mm thick. The frame shall be welded on the tank structure.
e) Other steel structural item may be used for fabrication of Tank Frame.

iii) Tank Top:
a) Tank top should be flat & covered with serrated flooring(steel serrated flooring slip proof plate-form of 100 MM pitch of fasted cross bars of size 8 mm and 40 mm pitch of load bearing bars of size 25 mm x 5 mm serrated flooring should be made mild steel IS: 226-62). Bidder should forward schematic drawing of serrated flooring with support angle bar at the top of tanks along-with quotationon a rugged frame suitably welded on tank structure. There should be 3 (three) nos manhole covered with serrated flooring duly welded on a rugged frame with hinge at one side for opening.
b) There should be mud gunning line along the length of the tank & should be made out of 113.5mm MS SHS of min 5.4mm thick. One No 100 mm (4") nipple (sch40) shall be fixed one end (front side) of the mud gunning line and other ends of the mud gunning line shall be plugged by 10MM M.S plate.
c) 3nos 50mm (2") bottom mud gun of suitable construction with swivel for 360º movement in horizontal plane, rotating handle, butterfly valve for isolation etc.
d) Each tank should be provided with 3(three) nos strongly built, properly welded sturdy ladder with handrails from inside the tank & 1no ladder with handrails on the front of the tank for climbing.
e) Each tank must have folding type railing to be provided all along the outer periphery of each tank. The railing should be made out of min 40mm MS SHS of min 4.0mm of height 1000mm from the top of the tank with two-rail railings & 150mm high toe board.
Bidder must provide separate detail drawing for the above accessories along with the offer.

iv) Tank Bottom:
a) Tank bottom should be constructed with 8.0mm thick plain MS plate.
b) Approx. 75mm (3") slope is to be maintained towards the drain out point .
c) There should be 2 Nos 150mm (6") drain out point at side wall of each tank for cleaning job.

v) Tank Connections:
a) 2 Nos 150mm (6") NB screwed NPT #150 RF flange of ANSI B16.5 standard should be welded on the front and rear side of the tank & 2 Nos 150mm (6") NB screwed NPT #150 RF flange of ANSI B16.5 standard should be welded on the side wall of each tank for drain out point.
b. All the outlet flanges should be fitted with suitable screwed NPT fittings & Butterfly type valves [Make: Audco / Intervalve]. The Butterfly valves should be firmly supported to withstand transportation and handling abuses.

1.2 Master Skid & Base Frame of the Tank:
i) Master Skid: 3(three) runner oilfield type skid fabricated out of ISMB250 reinforced with min 5nos cross member. The width of the Master skid should be 2500 mm. Approx600 mm long x 2500mm wide working platform with 10mm chequered plate welded on it should be provided in the front portion of the tank.
The ends of the skid should be projected out by 300mm and curved upwards. 150mm (6") NB X 11mm thick pipe with provision for lifting should reinforce the end of skid for tail boarding.
ii) Base Frame of the Tank: Base Frame of Length-8000mm & Width-2500mm should be fabricated out of ISMC 125 X 65 reinforced with 6 Nos cross members.
1.3 Material Specification: Material for fabrication of tanks should be as follows:
i. Beam, Channel, Angle, Plate etc.: as per IS-2062
ii. SHS: as per IS 4923 YST 310
iii. Chequered Plate: as per IS 3502-2009
iv. Tail Boarding Pipe: ASTM-A106 Gr.B- Sch80
1.4 Welding Procedure: All welding procedure should be followed as per standard norms & done by certified welder. All welding electrodes should be as per IS: 814. There should be minimum 3(three) layers of welding & all welds should be visually inspected / examined. The critical welds should be subjected to radiography test/magnetic particle test/dye penetration test. If tests are carried out necessary test certificate must be shown at the time of inspection & provided along with dispatch documents.
1.5 Surface Preparation: After completion of all fabrication jobs, the surface
preparation should be carried as follows:
i. All welds should be made free of slag, slag inclusion, pinholes, spatter etc. Scrapping & Wire brushing should be carried out on all steelworks after removing all oil & grease deposit if any using approved degreasing agent & solvent.
ii. Preferably Sand blast cleaning should be carried out in a controlled blasting shop & not during inclement weather conditions. Bidder must confirm if any other suitable surface cleaning method is applied other than mentioned above.
iii. All sand blast cleaned surfaces should be coated with the prescribed primer within 4(four) hours of blasting.

Bidding Information

Offer Validity 120 days
Vessels, Tanks
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