Procurement of Skid Mounted Rectangular Chemical Suction Tank

Vessels, Tanks
Reference SDI4529P21
Date 6/12/2020
Location Asia
The company announces its need for Procurement of Skid Mounted Rectangular Chemical Suction Tank for various types of production related job with special chemical (Aphron ) at well site of workover wells -QTY= 02 nos.

1.0 Dimension of the Tank: Each tank should have following dimensions:
i. Length: 7500 mm [Overall Length: 9900mm including 900mm long working platform with 10mm chequered plate welded on it in the front & back side & 300mm skid extension on each end for tail boarding]
ii. Width: 2500 mm
iii. Height: 1250 mm
1.1 The following features should be provided in the Aphron Suction Tanks:
i) Tank Wall: All 4(four) walls should be constructed with 8.0 mm thick MS crimped plates welded on Body Frame.
ii) Body Frame: The Body Frame of the tank should be made out of:
a) Vertical Post [Min 5nos]: Min 90mm NB MS SHS of min 6.0mm thick.
b) Horizontal Wall Framing [bottom & middle]: 90mm NB MS SHS of min 6.0mm
c) Roof support members [Perling]: 70mm NB MS SHS of min 6.0mm thick.
d) Other steel structural item may be used for fabrication of Strong Aphron Suction Tank Frame.

iii) Tank Top:
a) All 4(four) side of the tank top should be covered with iron serrated bar gratings (heavy-duty grills) of approx 600mm wide on a rugged frame suitably welded on tank structure. The centre part of the tank top of approx 6300mm long X 1300mm wide should be kept open for gunning operation.
b) There should be mud gunning line along the length of the tank & should be made out of 100mm X 6mm thick MS SHS.
c) There should be total 3nos 50mm (2") jet type mud gun of suitable construction with swivel for movement in vertical & horizontal plane, rotating handle, butterfly valve for isolation etc.
d) There should be interconnection between mud gunning lines of two Aphron Suction tanks with proper ditch (dresser type) coupling & isolating butterfly valve for carrying out gunning in both the Aphron Suction tanks simultaneously in case of emergency.
e) Each Aphron Suction tank should be provided with 1(one) strongly built sturdy ladder with handrails from inside the tank. There should be Staircase with handrails welded 1no on the front side & 1no on the backside of the tank.
f) Each tank must have folding type railing to be provided all along the outer periphery of each tank. The railings should be made out of min 40mm X 4.5mm MS SHS of height 1000mm from the top of the tank with two-rail railings & 150mm high toe board should be provided all along the outer periphery & around the open space of each tank. There should be strongly built foldable walkway of approx 2000mm long X 1000mm wide made of iron serrated bar gratings (heavy-duty grills). The walkway should be clamped on the tank top frame with heavy duty hinge & foldable railing. The walkway will be used for movement from one tank to the other tank.
g) Each tank should be provided with permanently attached measuring scale made out of anti-corrosive metal / alloy graduated in inch and foot to indicate volume per inch height.
iv) Tank Bottom :
a) Tank bottom should be constructed with 8.0mm thick plain MS plate.
b) Approx. 75mm (3") slope is to be maintained from outlet side towards the suction side.
c) There should be 1no 100mm (4") drain out plug at the side wall towards the corner of the tank for cleaning job.

v) Tank Connections :
a) 150mm (6") NB screwed NPT #150 RF flange of ANSI B16.5 standard should be welded on the front as well as back wall of each tank for outlet connection.
The outlet flanges should be fitted with suitable screwed NPT fittings & Butterfly type valves [Make: Audco / Intervalve]. The Butterfly valves should be firmly supported to withstand transportation and handling abuses.
b) Tank manifold should be made out of 150 mm NB seamless Sch40 pipe of ASTM A106GrB standard with fittings [nipple, flange, tee etc] both in the front as well as in the back side of each tank. Length of each manifold should be approx 2000mm.
c) Interconnection between 2 (two) Aphron Suction tanks should be made out of 150mm NB seamless Sch40 pipe of ASTM A106GrB standard & connection should be made with good quality ditch (dresser type) coupling. The gap between 2(two) Aphron Suction tanks is approx 700mm.

Bidding Information

Bid Bond Rs 39,600.00
Vessels, Tanks
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