Besa River Shale

Location  Western Liard Basin, British Columbia
Thickness  5,430 ft
Formation Details  The Besa River Formation is a stratigraphical unit of Devonian age in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. The Besa River Formation subdivided into 6 informal lithostratigraphic units composed primarily of dark grey to black, carbonaceous siltstone to shale.
Notes  The Besa River Formation is overlain by the Banff Formation in its eastern extent, while to the west it is overlain by the Mattson Formation and overlays the Dunedin Formation in the west of its extent in British Columbia, and the Slave Point Formation in the east. In the Northwest Territories, The Besa River Formation rests on the Nahanni Formation in the east and the Road River Formation in the west.

Projects and Work Interests

Paramount Operations in Besa River Shale
Paramount encompasses 150,000 (127,000 net) acres, which has potential for production from the Besa River shale gas formation in the Horn River and Liard Basins. Paramount's Besa River shale gas is fo...

Gulf Oil and Gas
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