Serica Energy Announces Update on Bittern B6 Well Production

Source: 10/2/2024, Location: Europe

Serica Energy plc confirms that the B6 well on the Bittern field (SQZ: 64.6%), which commenced initial flowback to the Triton FPSO on 11 September, is now producing at a stable rate.

The well is producing oil and gas at a combined gross rate of around 8,000 boepd, a total of around 5,200 boepd net to Serica.

Drilling and completion activities on the Gannet GE-05 well (SQZ: 100%) have now concluded. Data collected during drilling have shown encouraging results, and production is expected to commence around the start of November. The COSL Innovator rig is now moving to drill the next well in the campaign, on the Guillemot NW field (SQZ: 10%).

Total Serica portfolio production is currently over 50,000 boepd, a level that if retained would result in the Company finishing 2024 in line with the updated guidance given at our half-year results on 10 September.

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