Honeywell Offers New Solstice® Refrigerants With Lower Global Warming Potential

Source: 1/27/2015, Location: North America

Honeywell has expanded its Solstice® line of lower-global-warming-potential hydrofluoro-olefin (HFO) refrigerants, blowing agents, aerosol propellants and solvents to include new solutions for industrial cooling and supermarket refrigeration.

“Each year, the world uses more than 200 million pounds of refrigerant, enough to keep food fresh in 240,000 supermarkets and to cool more than 300,000 commercial buildings,” said George Koutsaftes, global business director for Honeywell’s Fluorine Products business. “Honeywell is committed to continuing to invest in the development and introduction of new offerings, to make it easier for industry to adopt and use alternatives to higher global warming potential refrigerants.”

Honeywell’s new offerings include:
- Solstice zd: a nonflammable HFO refrigerant with a GWP equal to 1, for use in low pressure centrifugal chillers, which are most often used to cool large buildings. Trane, a leading air conditioner manufacturer, has already announced that it will use Solstice zd in its new Series E CenTraVac large capacity centrifugal chillers in Europe, the Middle East and other 50hz markets.
- Solstice ze: an HFO refrigerant that can be used in equipment that traditionally used R134a (i.e., chillers and refrigeration equipment). Solstice ze offers a GWP of less than 1, which is 99.9 percent lower than the GWP of R134a.
- Solstice N13: an HFO blend for chillers, as well as medium-temperature applications such as supermarket display cases and self-contained refrigeration units that require a non-flammable refrigerant solution. Solstice N13 is designed to replace R134a and offers a GWP that is 60 percent lower than the GWP of R134a.
- Solstice N40: an HFO blend for low- and medium-temperature refrigeration equipment such as supermarket freezer cases. Solstice N40 is designed to replace HCFC R22 and HFC R404A, and offers a GWP that is 66 percent lower than R404A. In supermarket trials conducted in the U.S. and Europe, Solstice N40 demonstrated three percent lower energy consumption in low-temperature applications and 5 to 16 percent lower energy consumption in medium-temperature applications as compared to R404A.

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