In March 2016, SOCAR has exported 79 678 tons of crude oil from Novorossiysk port, 176 335 tons from Supsa port, 1 644 415 tons from Ceyhan port. Generally 79 936 tons of crude oil was exported from Novorossiysk port, 599 600 tons from Supsa, 4 628 741 tons from Ceyhan port, 14 946 tons from Kulevi port in January-March 2016.The indices of crude oil exported by the SOCAR reflect the volumes of crude oil belonging to both State of Azerbaijan and Company.
In March 2016, SOCAR Marketing and Economic Operations Department exported 93 489 tons of diesel fuel, 8 969 tons of aircraft gasoline, 9 364 tons of high-pressure polyethylene, 857 tons of absolute isopropyl alcohol, 5 981 tons of pyrolytic oil tar, 6 187 tons propylene, 664 tons of butylene butadiene. IIn January-March 2016, generally 219 412 tons of diesel fuel, 74 722 tons of aircraft gasoline, 118 tons of stove oil, 24 768 tons of high-pressure polyethylene, 2 346 tons of absolute isopropyl alcohol, 15 084 tons of pyrolytic oil tar, 12 211 tons of propylene, 1 342 tons of butylene butadiene were exported.
For March 2016, the average prices for oil products in the world market were as follows: ethyl petrol-(per ton) $430.55, aircraft gasoline-$363.13, diesel fuel-$335.60 and black oil containing 1% sulphur-$162.10, high-pressure polyethylene - $1141.25, butylene butadiene - $376.03, propylene -560 euro, absolute isopropyl alcohol -677.50 euro.