Benthic Wins Petrobras Mero Field Geotechnical Site Investigation Services

Source: 8/19/2020, Location: South America

Benthic, a global geosciences company and part of marine and subsea solutions group Acteon, has signed a contract with Petrobras to provide geotechnical site investigation services at the Mero field off the coast of Brazil.

The work includes in-situ testing, sampling and seismic cone testing at 26 locations in water depths up to 2200 meters. The deepwater offshore operations will take place this year despite the COVID-19 pandemic and current global economic conditions. Following the offshore operations, Benthic will complete advanced onshore laboratory testing at its new, state-of-the-art technology center in Rio de Janeiro.

The company will use its PROD3 seabed drilling and geotechnical testing system, a proprietary portable remotely operated drill that can switch between piston sampling and rotary coring to maximize productivity. The PROD3 is up to five times more productive than a drillship in water depths over 500 meters.

“This contract follows a recent sequence of successful projects and reaffirms our commitment and working relationship with Petrobras in Brazil,” said Fabio Pereira, Benthic’s country manager for Brazil. “This is a key international market for Benthic and the subsea service industry in general.”

Gulf Oil and Gas
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