ERIELL Group Completed Overhaul of 328 Wells

Source: 5/5/2021, Location: Asia

ERIELL Group together with Uzbekneftegaz JSC completed work on overhaul of 328 wells within the framework of the Program of Measures to Increase Hydrocarbon Production for 2017-2021.

In particular, over this period, overhaul was carried out at Andijonneft JSC - 56 wells, Jarkurganneft JSC - 31, Mubarek Oil and Gas Production Directorate (NGDU) - 75, Shurtan NGDU - 65, Gazli NGDU - 84, Ustyurt NGDU - 17 wells.

As part of the overhaul of wells, a set of works was carried out aimed at restoring their operability. In particular, such types of work as elimination of accidents that occurred during the operation of wells, isolation of water inflows, transition to the overlying productive horizon, sidetracking, stimulation of inflow - hydrochloric acid treatment, hydraulic fracturing, etc. are aimed at this.

The result is the return of the well to the number of active ones from conservation or liquidation funds.

Gulf Oil and Gas
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