Denmark, Germany to Study Hybrid Power Interconnector

Source: 4/27/2023, Location: Europe

Danish transmission system operator Energinet and German counterpart Amprion said on Thursday they will study the development of a hybrid electricity interconnector between Denmark and Germany, tying in offshore wind power.

"An interconnector between Denmark and Germany is an important step towards harvesting the huge wind power potential in the North Sea and connecting it to the European mainland," said Thomas Egebo, chief executive of Energinet.

A 'hybrid' link would work both an power interconnector between the two countries as well as a connection to deliver offshore wind to shore.

The interconnector would link a planned Danish energy island in the North Sea with a German offshore wind grid, enabling the transportation of surplus green electricity directly to the load centres in Germany, Energinet said.

The interconnector would give the two grid operators various options for maintaining the frequency and voltage in the respective transmission systems at all times, it added.

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