Financials and Investment News

Asia Pacific Oil Demand in December 2015
Asia Pacific Oil Demand in December 2015 Japan >> 12/22/2015 - Preliminary October 2015 data recorded a contraction in Japanese oil demand following increases in August, September and the overall third quarter of 2015. Oil demand growth declined by around 63 tb/d...
GeoPark Executes Offtake & $100m Funding Agreement with Trafigura
Colombia >> 12/21/2015 - GeoPark Limited, a leading independent Latin American oil and gas explorer, operator and consolidator with operations and growth platforms in Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, and Peru, announced th...
Repayment’s Extension for Aminex’s Corporate Loan Facility
Tanzania >> 12/21/2015 - Aminex is pleased to announce a six month extension to the repayment of its corporate loan facility to 31 July 2016 has been agreed in principle. The extension will provide the Company with valuable f...
Crown Point Comments on Lifting of Currency Controls in Argentina
Argentina >> 12/21/2015 - Crown Point Energy Inc. commented on the removal of currency controls in Argentina, which had imposed foreign exchange restrictions on the Argentine peso (“AR$”). Crown Point advises that it does no...
TAP Holds Bank Presentation
Azerbaijan >> 12/18/2015 - The representatives of over 20 leading project finance banks attended an introductory meeting organised by the Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) in London. TAP is planning to raise limited recourse fin...
Nexans Renews a Revolving Credit Facility Worth € 600m
France >> 12/17/2015 - On December 14th 2015, Nexans signed a € 600 million Revolving Credit Facility with 11 of its core banks for a period of five years, thereby extending the tenor of the Group’s access to liquidity unti...
SBM Offshore Completes $800m Financing of Turritella
United States >> 12/16/2015 - The Company is pleased to announce that the Turritella joint venture led by SBM Offshore has completed the project financing of FPSO Turritella for a total of US$800 million. Project financing was sec...
Azeri SOCAR to Reduce Spending in 2016 Due to Low Oil Prices
Azerbaijan >> 12/15/2015 - Azeri state energy company SOCAR plans to cut spending next year due to lower oil prices and introduce changes in the way its overseas offices operate, it said. ...
Genel Receives Payment from Taq Taq Field
Iraq >> 12/14/2015 - Genel Energy has announced that the Taq Taq field partners have received a gross payment of $30 million from the Kurdistan Regional Government for oil exported through the Kurdistan Region of Iraq-Tur...
First $20m Drawdown from $60m IFC facility for Tanzania Project
Tanzania >> 12/14/2015 - Orca Exploration Group Inc. (Orca) announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited (PAET) has made an initial drawdown of US$20 million from the available US$60 million...
Balance of Supply and Demand - December 2015
Austria >> 12/13/2015 - Demand for OPEC crude in 2015 was revised down by 0.2 mb/d from the previous month’s report to stand at 29.4 mb/d, which is 0.4 mb/d higher than the 2014 level. In 2016, demand for OPEC crude is pro...
Nigeria to Boost 2016 Budget Even as Crude Revenue Declines
Nigeria >> 12/8/2015 - Nigeria’s government said it will boost spending by a fifth in next year’s budget without overstepping borrowing targets, even as oil revenue in Africa’s largest economy is set to fall. ...
NIS to Pay Falcon Oil & Gas $3.7 Million Cash Settlement
Hungary >> 12/3/2015 - Falcon Oil & Gas Ltd. (Falcon) has signed a termination agreement with Naftna Industrija Srbije jsc (NIS) terminating the Oilfield Services Contract entered into between the parties in January 2013. N...
KMG EP Approves 2016 Budget & 2016-2020 Business Plan
Kazakhstan >> 12/3/2015 - JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production (KMG EP) announces the approval by the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of the Company’s 2016 budget and 2016-2020 business plan which assume the average annual ...
DNO Confirms Kurdistan Payment
Iraq >> 12/3/2015 - DNO ASA, the Norwegian oil and gas operator, today confirmed receipt of USD 30 million to be shared pro-rata with its partner Genel Energy plc as a partial payment towards oil exported from the Tawke ...
KMG EP Approves 2016 Budget & 2016-2020 Business Plan
Kazakhstan >> 12/3/2015 - JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production (KMG EP) announces the approval by the Board of Directors (“the Board”) of the Company’s 2016 budget and 2016-2020 business plan which assume the average annual ...
Gulf Keystone Provides Shaikan Payment Update
Iraq >> 12/2/2015 - Gulf Keystone Petroleum, a leading independent operator and producer in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, is pleased to confirm that, further to the recent statement by the Kurdistan Regional Government (...
Forecast for 2016 Balance of Supply and Demand - November 2015
Forecast for 2016 Balance of Supply and Demand - November 2015 Austria >> 12/2/2015 - Demand for OPEC crude in 2016 remained unchanged from the previous month. All the quarters also remained unchanged from the previous report. Demand for OPEC crude next year is projected to increase by...
Anadarko Ordered to Pay $159.5m Fine for 2010 Gulf Spill
United States >> 12/1/2015 - A federal judge ordered Anadarko Petroleum Corp to pay a $159.5 million civil fine reflecting its stake in the Gulf of Mexico well whose 2010 blowout caused the largest U.S. offshore oil spill. ...
Venezuela to Push for 5% Output Cut at OPEC Meeting
Venezuela >> 12/1/2015 - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reiterated his hopes for OPEC action ahead of the group's meeting, adding the South American country was pushing for a 5 percent output cut to shore up prices. ...

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