Financials and Investment News

Product Markets and Refinery Operations - Mar 10
Austria >> 3/10/2010 - Continuation of cold weather along with refinery strikes in France and lower crude prices provided support for refining margins in February. Seasonal refinery turnaround and continuation of discretio...
The Tanker Market - Mar 10
Austria >> 3/10/2010 - Global spot fixtures decreased by 4% in February from the previous month. The decline in global activity was due to various holidays. The decrease in OPEC spot fixtures by 13% supported the decline in...
Oil Trade - Mar 10
Austria >> 3/10/2010 - USA
US crude oil imports averaged 8.84 mb/d in February, 0.41 mb/d higher than in the previous month. On a y-o-y basis, February data showed a decline of 4% or 0.37 mb/d compared to the s...
Stock Movements - Mar 10
Austria >> 3/10/2010 - USA
US commercial inventories at the end of February fell slightly by 0.3 mb to 1046.6 mb. This slight drop was much less that the seasonal decline of around 11 mb. Crude and products move...
Balance of Supply and Demand - Mar 10
Austria >> 3/10/2010 - Estimate for 2009
Demand for OPEC crude has been revised up by around 0.2 mb/d to currently stand at 29.0 mb/d, reflecting the upward revision in global demand as well as the downward revi...
TNK-BP Maintains Net Income at $5 bn
Russia >> 3/1/2010 - TNK-BP reported its results for the fourth quarter and twelve months ended 31 December 2009 (US$ millions unless otherwise stated). ...
KazMunaiGas Production 2009 Financial Results
Kazakhstan >> 3/1/2010 - JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production, released its consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009. ...
KBR Announces Q4 and Full Year 2009 Results
United States >> 2/25/2010 - KBR announced that fourth quarter 2009 net income attributable to KBR was $73 million, or $0.45 per diluted share, compared to net income attributable to KBR of $88 million, or $0.54 per diluted share...
CB&I Reports 2009 Q4 and Year-End Results
Netherlands/Holland >> 2/23/2010 - CB&I reported net income for full-year 2009 of $174.3 million, or $1.79 per diluted share. For the 12 months of 2009, CB&I's consolidated revenue was $4.6 billion. ...
Nexen Strong Q4 and Annual Financial Results
France >> 2/18/2010 - Nexen Announces Strong Fourth Quarter and Annual Financial Results Together With Excellent Reserve Adds. In 2009 we made significant progress on our three corporate strategies relating to the Athabasc...
Jupiter Raises Funds from UK Institutions
Kazakhstan >> 2/11/2010 - The Board of Jupiter Energy Limited is pleased to advise shareholders that it has completed a placement of $A2.25m (before costs) to largely UK based institutions as the Company begins to broaden its ...
Oil Market Highlights - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - - The OPEC Reference Basket continued its upward trend in early January to hit a 15-month high of $80.29/b on the back of bullish sentiment, driven by cold weather. The trend was reversed after temper...
Slower Demand in the Coming Quarters - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - Crude oil prices fell for the third consecutive weeks from a peak of more than $83/b in early January to just above $71/b. Over the past week, prices have been particularly volatile following increas...
Crude Oil Price Movements - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - OPEC Reference Basket
Cold weather and increased investment flows helped oil futures and the OPEC Reference Basket to continue the upward trend in the first weeks of 2010. The OPEC Referen...
Commodity Markets - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - Trends in selected commodity markets
The Word Bank (WB) index for non-energy commodities in January remained the same (2.9% m-o-m) as in the previous month while the energy index rose 4.2...
Highlights of the World Economy - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - Industrialised countries

The US economy continues to improve from its recent trough-levels. 4Q09 real GDP growth was reported at a seasonally-adjusted annualized rat...
World Oil Demand - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - World oil demand in 2009
With the year 2009 behind us and the economic recovery ongoing, the uncertainties impacting oil demand are expected to remain for some time. Last year’s oil deman...
World Oil Supply - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - Non-OPEC

Estimate for 2009
Non-OPEC supply in 2010 is estimated to have increased by 0.58 mb/d over the previous year to average 50.95 mb/d in 2009. The current estimate ...
Product Markets and Refinery Operations - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - A cautious and strategic operational approach by refiners coupled with higher seasonal demand somehow led to improving product market fundamentals in January. However, mild weather in the latter par...
The Tanker Market - Feb 10
Austria >> 2/10/2010 - Total spot fixtures increased 0.4 mb/d to stand slightly below 19 mb/d. The pick up in activity after the December holidays supported gains as charterers looked to cover open positions. OPEC spot tank...

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