Maurel & Prom annonced an exploration update in Congo.The Tie-Tie-NE-1 well has reached a final depth of 2,550 m in the Djeno formation (Lower Cretaceous). Between 1,775 and 1,875 metres, a siltstone interval has shown hydrocarbon indications.
As a result of measurements performed at the end of the drilling, it appears that this interval (which exhibits strong gas shows) does not suggest viable commercial development due to its distance from potential markets. The well has therefore been plugged and abandoned.
However, this well has provided valuable information about a region where geological data are old and inadequate. This new information could be useful for the development of the Banio oilfield, 20 km over the border with Gabon that has been in production for over 2 years. The drilling rig will now be moved overland across Gabon to the Banio-5 site 20 km away.