Petrobras informs that the Extraordinary General Meeting held today (19/8), in an exclusively digital form, deliberated and approved, by majority,
the following:
I. Election of 8 (eight) members of the Board of Directors, by the multiple vote process, as follows:
Mr. Caio Mario Paes de Andrade
Mr. Edison Antonio Costa Britto Garcia
Mr. Gileno Gurjão Barreto
Mrs. Iêda Aparecida de Moura Cagni
Mr. Jônathas Assuncao Salvador Nery de Castro
Mr. Jose Joao Abdalla Filho
Mr. Marcelo Gasparino da Silva
Mr. Ricardo Soriano de Alencar
II. Election of Mr. Gileno Gurjão Barreto as Chairman of the Board of Directors