Financials and Investment News

Forecast for Balance of Supply and Demand for 2012 –November 2012
Forecast for Balance of Supply and Demand for 2012 –November 2012 Austria >> 11/25/2012 - The estimated demand for OPEC crude for 2012 remains broadly unchanged from the previous report, as demand and non-OPEC supply saw only minor adjustments. Within the quarters, the first, second and fo...
US Oil Supply – November 2012
US Oil Supply – November 2012 Austria >> 11/21/2012 - US oil supply is forecast to increase by 0.71 mb/d in 2012 to average 9.74 mb/d, which is unchanged compared with the previous MOMR. Despite this steady state, there were downward and upward revisions...
Asia Oil Supply – November 2012
Asia Oil Supply – November 2012 Indonesia >> 11/20/2012 - Other Asia’s oil production is estimated to decrease by 20 tb/d in 2012 to average 3.61 mb/d, representing a minor downward revision of less than 10 tb/d from the previous MOMR. The revisions occurred...
Lamprell Predicts Bigger than Expected Losses in 2012
Lamprell Predicts Bigger than Expected Losses in 2012 United Arab Emirates >> 11/19/2012 - Lamprell, a leading provider of diversified engineering and contracting services to the onshore and offshore oil & gas and renewable energy industries, issues its latest Interim Management Statement i...
Middle East Oil Demand in October 2012
Middle East Oil Demand in October 2012 Saudi Arabia >> 11/18/2012 - The partially removed gasoline subsidies on domestic consumption in Iran in the last quarter led to a reduction in gasoline demand by an average of 50 tb/d. Hence, the country’s oil demand has been fl...
Forecast for Balance of Supply and Demand for 2013– November 2012
Forecast for Balance of Supply and Demand for 2013– November 2012 Austria >> 11/18/2012 - The estimated demand for OPEC crude for 2013 has seen a downward adjustment of 0.1 mb/d from the previous report to stand at 29.7 mb/d, showing negative growth of 0.4 mb/d, compared with the previous ...
Kenya Seeks 25% Stake in Oil Production Ventures
Kenya >> 11/14/2012 - Kenya aims to take a bigger slice of the profits from its natural resources exploration boom by seeking a 25 percent stake in the production activities of oil and gas companies operating in the east A...
Abu Dhabi's TAQA Picks Five Banks for Dollar Bond
United Arab Emirates >> 11/12/2012 - Abu Dhabi National Energy Co (TAQA) has mandated five banks for a dollar-denominated bond, which could be issued before the end of the year, a spokesman for the company told Reuters. ...
Rosneft Announces Strategic Advisory Group
Rosneft Announces Strategic Advisory Group Russia >> 11/12/2012 - Rosneft announced the creation of a strategic advisory group that will consolidate the financial assets of Rosneft and launch a full service financial institution. The group composed of Rair Simonyan,...
Saudi Arabia Happy with Current Oil Price
Saudi Arabia Happy with Current Oil Price Saudi Arabia >> 11/11/2012 - The global oil market is in a good shape and Saudi Arabia is happy with the current oil price, Saudi Oil Minister Ali Al Naimi said, expressing satisfaction over a Gulf Arab effort, which kept prices ...
Oil Market Highlights - Nov 12
Austria >> 11/10/2012 - The OPEC Reference Basket dropped in October for the first time since the record 13% plunge in June, falling $2.31 to stand at $108.36/b. Higher supply growth and concerns regarding the health of the ...
Balance of Supply and Demand - Nov 12
Austria >> 11/10/2012 - Forecast for 2012
The estimated demand for OPEC crude for 2012 remains broadly unchanged from the previous report, as demand and non-OPEC supply saw only minor adjustments. Within the quar...
Tullow Secures US$3.5 Billion Debt Refinancing
Ghana >> 11/7/2012 - Tullow Oil plc (Tullow) is pleased to announce that it has closed the refinance of US$3.5 billion of Reserves Based Lend (RBL) credit facilities. The arrangements are fully committed, secured and revo...
Saudi Mojil Group Says Shareholders Reject Liquidation
Saudi Arabia >> 11/6/2012 - Shareholders in Mohammed al-Mojil Group (MMG) have rejected the idea of liquidating the construction company, which is burdened by heavy losses and debt. The company's recovery plan include asset sale...
Asia Oil Supply – October 2012
Asia Oil Supply – October 2012 Indonesia >> 11/6/2012 - Oil supply from Other Asia is expected to average 3.62 mb/d in 2012, a minor decline of 10 tb/d from the previous year. Updated production data indicated lower-than-expected output from Brunei, India,...
China Oil Demand in September 2012
China Oil Demand in September 2012 China >> 11/4/2012 - Chinese oil demand weakened this summer to almost a stand-still level. This was caused mainly by the slowdown in the industrial sector, which fell heavily as a result of slower exports. Diesel, fuel o...
FSU and Russia Oil Supply – October 2012
FSU and Russia Oil Supply – October 2012 Russia >> 11/4/2012 - Total FSU oil production is projected to increase by 70 tb/d in 2012 and average 13.30 mb/d, a downward revision of 50 tb/d from the previous month. The forecast experienced two downward revisions on ...
Forecast for Balance of Supply and Demand for 2013– October 2012
Forecast for Balance of Supply and Demand for 2013– October 2012 Austria >> 11/3/2012 - Demand for OPEC crude for 2013 has been revised up by 0.2 mb/d, reflecting the downward revision to non-OPEC supply, as global demand remained unchanged. Within the quarters, the first and second quar...
OECD Pacific Oil Demand in September 2012
OECD Pacific Oil Demand in September 2012 Japan >> 11/2/2012 - In Japan, the latest August monthly data was once more dominated by strong increases in crude and residual fuel oil direct use. The summer’s seasonally higher requirements led to an extra increase in ...
World Oil Supply Forecast for 2013
World Oil Supply Forecast for 2013 Austria >> 11/1/2012 - Non-OPEC oil supply is forecast to increase by 0.89 mb/d in 2013 to average 53.89 mb/d, representing a downward revision of 0.20 mb/d from the previous month. Despite this adjustment, the growth in no...

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