Maintenance Of Heaters

Heat exchangers
Reference BID902695
Date 12/12/2013
Location Africa
ARC intends to carry out the replacement of Radiant casing and Convection roof plates complete with anchors and refractory lining, fuel gas collector at convection section where damaged, radiant casing plates & convection roof plates are present and in bad condition and painting for heaters 10H1, 20H1, 21H3, 21H4, 21H5 & 21H6 including but not limited to dismantling, cleaning, inspection, welding, refractory renewal, coil and tube installation, and start up.

Scope of Works:

1.All the preparatory and prefabrication works required to facilitate the execution of works within the limited duration of turnaround shall be completed well ahead of the commencement of turnaround.

2.All Works shall be carried out in accordance with coils replacement procedure, welding procedure specifications (WPS) and hydrostatic test procedure, which shall be submitted by the Contractor for Owners and third party approval prior to commencement of the Works.

3.Carry out replacement of Radiant casing and Convection roof plates complete with anchors and refractory lining, fuel gas collectors at convection sections where damaged, radiant casing plates and convection roof plates are present and in bad condition and painting for heaters 10H1, 20H1, 21H3, 21H4, 21H5 & 21H6.

4.Carry out all associated works pertaining to heaters maintenance activities mentioned above including but not limited to dismantling, cleaning, inspection, welding, refractory renewal, coil and tube installation, and startup.

5.The Inspection Works shall include all physical examination and NDT according to approved inspection procedures based on codes & standards requirements issuance of a relevant testing report or records for approval by the Owner and third party inspection.

6.All maintenance Works shall be carried out in accordance with and comply with relevant latest edition of ASTM, ASMEAPI 560 standards and codes.

7.After the completion of all the works, the Contractor shall clear the site and transport the surplus material to warehouse or any other location within Refinery premises. The scrap material shall be transported to the scrap yard located within the Refinery premises.

8.The Contractor shall carry out all maintenance works for any damage to the equipment/ component that may occur during the execution of the work at his own expenses

Bidding Information

Heat exchangers
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